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Python Project Ideas

Python is a programming language that we use for developing software and websites, performing data analysis, and automating tasks. Like other programming languages, Python also can be used for performing different operations in the real world. In this blog, you will learn to build different web and desktop applications and perform mathematical operations using Python.

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Python Articles

Python is currently one of the most widely used programming languages. This trend appears to be set to continue in 2023 and even beyond. If you're new to Python, the greatest thing you can do is start working on some real-time project ideas for Python.

We at MindMajix believe in a hands-on approach because theoretical knowledge alone will not help in a real-world workplace. In this article, we'll look at some fun project ideas for Python that beginners can use to put their Python skills to the test. This article contains 42 great Project Ideas in Python for beginners and professionals to gain hands-on Python experience.

Furthermore, project-based learning aids in the development of student knowledge. As a result, all MindMajix courses include case studies and projects based on real-world issues. This method is suitable for beginners in programming, but it is not limited to them.

Python Project Ideas - Table of Contents

Why Should You Construct Python Projects?

Python Project Ideas

When pursuing a career in software engineering, Working on one's own projects is essential for aspiring software engineers. The best method to hone your talents and turn to put your academic understanding into practice is to work on real-world projects.

It will assist If you're involved with a live project:

  • To Build Confidence: Working with genuine technologies and tools, you'll gain confidence in your abilities while also recognising your weaknesses.
  • To Experiment: While working on a python project, you will need to familiarise yourself with new technologies and tools. The more you understand cutting-edge development tools, libraries and environments, the more you'll be able to try out new things with your projects. As you experiment with fresh project ideas for Python, you'll learn more.
  • To Understand the SDLC in its Nitty-Gritty: If you build a project from the ground up, You'll learn more about the life cycle of software development. You'll be able to plan ahead of time before writing code, running code, managing the testing process, fixing mistakes, deploying code, and upgrading your software product with experience.
  • Mastering the Fundamentals of Programming: One of the most significant benefits of working on real-world related projects is that with enough practice, you will be able to grasp the patterns and concepts of programming in several languages.
If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in Python, then enroll in "Python Training". This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

So, here are some Python Projects for complete beginners to try:

Python Project Ideas For Beginners

This list of python ideas for projects is for beginners and those who are just getting started with Data Science or Python in general. These ideas for the Python project will teach you everything you need to know about the language, you'll need to succeed as a Python developer.

In addition, if you're seeking ideas on Python projects for your senior year, this list should help. So, without further ado, let's get started on some ideas for a Python Project to help you lay a solid foundation and climb the career ladder.

1. Generator for Mad Libs

Working on Mad Libs Generator is one of the finest ways to start exploring hands-on projects on python for kids. This project is ideal for those who are just getting started with software programming. This project will show you how to modify user-inputted data by focusing on Strings, Variables, and Concatenation. The programme is set up in such a way that users will be asked to submit a sequence of inputs that will be used to create a Mad Lib. Mab lib is a beginner-friendly Python project.

An adjective, a pronoun, a noun, or anything else could be used as input. Once all of the inputs have been supplied, The application will gather the information and format it into a story template. Isn't it interesting?

2. Number Guessing

This is a simple Python project with a lot of potentials. It's even possible to call it a mini-game. Create a programme in which the computer selects a number at random from 1 to 10, 1 to 100, or any other range. After that, provide consumers a clue to help them figure out the number. When a user guesses incorrectly, he is given another clue and his score is reduced. Multiples, divisible, smaller or greater, or a mix of all of these can be used as a hint.

In this Python project, You'll also require comparison functions to differentiate the inputted and estimated numbers, compare the two and find the difference, and verify whether an actual number was provided.

3. Text-based Adventure Game

This is a stripped-down version of the adventure game. It's entirely text-based. Users can wander around numerous rooms within a single setting in this version of the game, and descriptions for each location are provided depending on user input. This is one of the more intriguing Python projects I've seen.

You'll need to build barriers and determine the directions in which the rooms can be traversed by the users, as well as set mobility limitations and include a tracker that can measure how far a user has moved or walked in the game. Mentioning Python projects in your CV can make it stand out from the crowd.

4. Dice Rolling Simulator

We'll be emulating a rolling dice, as the program's name suggests. This is one of the more fascinating Python projects since, with each dice roll, it generates a random number. The user is free to roll the dice as many times as he likes. When the client rolls the dice, the application generates random numbers in between 1 and 6.

The client will then see the number displayed. Clients will also be asked if they want to roll the dice again. A function that may randomly select and print a number between 1 and 6 should also be included in the programme. This collection of beginner-level Python projects will aid in the development of a solid foundation in essential programming ideas.

5. Hangman

This is more of a guessing game with words.  Random, Variables, Strings, Integer, char, boolean, input, and output are the key ideas you'll need to employ while working on this project. The game requires users to enter letter estimates, and each user is limited to a certain number of estimates. (A counter variable is required to keep the guesses to a minimum). To begin, this is one of the more intriguing Python projects.

You can make a pre-organized list of terms from which users can choose words. You must also provide particular routines to verify whether the user only typed one letter or if the input letter is part of a hidden word, to determine whether the user has truly submitted a single letter, and to output the right results (letters).

6. Contact Book

This is one of the best beginner python projects. A contact book is used by everyone to preserve contact information such as an address, name, email address, and even phone number. This is a project that you'll have to run from the command line in which you will develop a contact book application that allows users to save and retrieve contact information.  Delete contacts, update contact information, and browse a list of saved contacts should all be possible via the app. For storing contact information, the SQLite database is useful. Managing a python project for beginners will give you a leg up on the competition.

Learn about Exception Handling in Python

7. Email Slicer

This is another one of those helpful projects on Python that will come in handy in the future. The application can provide assistance to get the domain name and username based on an email address. You can also personalise the app and send this information to the host in a message.

8. Binary Search Algorithm

"Finding a needle in a haystack," as the adage goes. Using a binary search method, this application is designed to achieve just that. You may generate a list of random numbers ranging from 0 to 100, with each successive number differing by two.

When a user enters a random number, the computer checks to see if it appears in the list. It will accomplish it by splitting the list into two half. If the number is found in the first portion of the list, the software will delete the second half and vice versa. The searching will go on until the programme finds the user's number or the subarray size reaches zero (This indicates that the number does not appear on the list). This proposed idea project on python will assist you in developing and implementing an algorithm that searches for a list for a specific element.

9. Desktop Notifier App

Have you ever wanted to know how alerts work?  This simple python project will shed some insight on the situation. The desktop notifier programmes run on your computer and deliver you information at predetermined intervals. We recommend using libraries like notify2, requests, and others to create such software.

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10. Python Story Generator

This is a python project that is both entertaining and fascinating, that will delight children. In a nutshell, the computer Users will be asked for input by the computer such as a place's name, an activity, and so on, and then create a tale based on the information. The plot will always be the same, with just minor variations in the input.

11. YouTube Video Downloader

Working on a YouTube video downloader is one of the finest ways to get started with your hands-on projects on python for students. Every month, about a billion people watch YouTube. On occasion, we enjoy downloading videos endlessly. Although YouTube does not offer this feature, you can make a simple app with a user interface that allows you to download videos on YouTube in a variety of formats and quality levels. This project appears complicated at first, but it becomes simple once you get started.

12. Python Website Blocker

When we use the internet, we come across a lot of undesirable websites. This is a useful python project that allows you to create a software that prevents specific websites from loading. This programme is useful for students whoever want to learn without being distracted by social media. Mentioning a python project on your resume can make it stand out from the crowd.

13. Spin a Yarn

Things start to get more intriguing because strings are actually infinitely much more complicated to play with at this point.

The user is first asked to enter a set of inputs by the application. These can be adjectives, prepositions, proper nouns, and so on. Once you've got all of your inputs in place, they are concatenated into a pre-made tale template. Finally, the entire narrative gets printed out for some unintended hilarity!

14. What’s the word?

The focus of this name is on the user guessing the randomly produced word. You can make a list of words from which the word must be selected, as well as a limit on the number of guesses that can be made.

After that, you're free to make your own rules! When the user submits the word, you can specify whether or not the letter written in this location appears. You'll need a function that detects whether the user is typing letters or numbers and displays appropriate error messages if so.

15. Rock,  Paper, Scissors

If you're bored with having no one to play with, try a 5-minute game of rock, paper, scissors on the computer, which you made yourself.

We're going to employ the random function once more. You are the first to make a move, and the programme follows suit. You can then either use a complete string to indicate the motion or a single alphabet. To verify the validity of the move, a function will need to be created.

The specific round winner is determined using a different function. You can then either choose to play again or set a certain number of movements ahead of time. It will also be necessary to construct a scorekeeping method that will return the final winner at the conclusion.

16. Leap it!

You input a year and verify whether it is a leap year or not in this Python code. To do so, you'll need to write a function that detects the leap year pattern and can try to fit the inputted year into it. Finally, a boolean expression can be used to print the result.

Check out Regular Expression Operations in Python

17. Find out, Fibonacci!

You provide a number, and then the function determines whether or not the number is part of the Fibonacci sequence. The core principles are similar to those of the 'Leap it!' programme mentioned above.

All of the projects listed above have one thing in common: they will assist you in mastering the fundamentals. You will be the programmer as well as the bug fixer. You'll also be building and implementing a number of functions, as well as working with Strings, Variables, Operators, Integers, and other data types. These ideas, such as 2 + 2, are the foundation of your maths knowledge, and building projects provide an enjoyable method to learn about them and can help you comprehend and remember them better.

These are a few of the most basic project ideas for Python to consider. Let's go on to the next level once you've completed them.

Python Project Ideas For Intermediate Level

18. Calculator

Although a calculator isn't really useful, creating your own graphical UI calculator will familiarise you with a library like Tkinter, which allows you to design buttons that conduct various operations and display the results on a screen.

19. Timer and Countdown Clock

It's another utility programme that allows you to set a timer and receive notifications when the timer expires.

20. Random Password Generator

It is difficult to create and remember a strong password. You can create a programme that accepts the user's input and produces a random password based on those words. The password is easily remembered by the user by using the words he entered as input.

21. Random Wikipedia Article

This is a sophisticated but user-friendly application. The programme performs a Wikipedia search and displays a random article. The user is then asked if he wants to read the article. If yes, the material will be shown; otherwise, a random report is shown.

22. Reddit Bot

This is indeed one of the best project ideas in the Python project for beginners available. Reddit is a useful platform, and most people want to spend as much time as possible online. You may create a bot that keeps track of subreddits and sends you notifications when it discovers something valuable. It will save Redditors a significant amount of time while also providing valuable information.

23. Application that runs with Python Command-Line 

Python is well-known for its excellent applications which run on the command line. You can actually create your own programme to assist you in sending emails to others. The application will ask for your credentials and then the email's content before sending the data using the command line you created.

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24. Alarm Clock

This is an intriguing Python project concept. Alarm clock applications are used by people all over the world. For an intermediate Python developer, it's a rather straightforward Command Line Interface (CLI) Python programme. This project, however, isn't your typical alarm clock. You can actually input YouTube URLs in a text file and also design the programme to read the file in this application. If you set an alarm for a specific time, the alarm clock will choose a random link of YouTube from the text file and then play it.

25. Tic-Tac-Toe

Don't we all remember playing Tic-Tac-Toe with our classmates in elementary school? It's one of the most entertaining games you'll ever play – all you need is a paper and pen! Tic-Tac-Toe is usually played by two players at a time. A 33-square grid is created by the players. This is one of the most creative project ideas for Python I've seen.

The first player will place a "X" in any of the squares, while the second player will place a "O" in any of the squares. This procedure will be repeated until the squares have all been filled, with each player alternately placing X and O. The first player to make a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal with the three consecutive O or X on the grid wins.

This project can be built with the Pygame library. Pygame comes with all of the sound and graphic components you'll need.

26. Steganography

Steganography is the art of concealing a secret communication in another type of media, such as a coded message hidden in video or image. You can develop a programme to protect photos that contain messages for you.

27. Currency Converter

You may create a simple Graphical User Interface (GUI) application with Python. As the name implies, you'll create a currency converter that converts currencies between different units, such as the Indian rupee to the euro or pound.

This application will have a simple design; the primary focus should be on the main purpose, which is to transform monetary units from one to another. It is possible to utilise The standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit included with Python is Tkinter.

28. Post-it Notes

Post-it notes are the best way to monitor tiny jobs and ensure that you don't forget them. In this project, we'll make a virtual reproduction of the physical, sticky post-it notes. The primary goal of this software was to enable users to carry their actual post-it notes with them wherever they went (as it is on a web-based platform).

Account creation, as well as other post-it note types and a categorization feature that allows users to segregate their notes, should all be options. Because it comes with built-in user authentication, Django is a suitable fit for this project.

29. Site Connectivity Checker

A site connectivity checker's job is to go to a URL and present the results, such as whether it is online or not. Site connection checks are performed at regular intervals and the findings are reported. This project will verify the URLs' live status in the same way that the previous one did. The site connectivity checker is a fascinating python project for beginners.

The application's code must be written from the ground up. For your connections, you have the option of using ICMP or TCP. You can use the docopt, click, or argparse frameworks to add commands that allow users to delete and add URLs from a list of URLs they actually want to validate.

30. Directory Tree Generator

The relationship between directories and files can be shown with a Directory Tree Generator, making it much easier to learn about file and directory placement. You can use the os library to list the directories and files in a given directory for this project. Again, the frameworks docopt and argparse are ideal choices for this project.

These are some project ideas for intermediate Python programmers. If you still enjoy putting your skills to the test and tackling difficult assignments, this is the place to be.

Python Project Ideas For Advanced Level

31. Speed Typing Test

Let's get started with some sophisticated project ideas in python for newbies. You can recall the popular typing test game from Windows XP and earlier Windows versions. You may create a programme that does something similar to measure your typing speed. To begin, you'll need to create a user interface with a library like Tkinter. Finally, create typing test which is fun that demonstrates the user's accuracy, speed, and words per minute. The source code for the programme is also available online.

32. Content Aggregator

Articles, websites, and information abound on the internet. It's difficult to sift through all of them while we're looking for something. You can make a content aggregator for this purpose that automatically searches prominent websites for relevant content, compiles it all, and then lets the user choose the content they want. It's similar to Google, but without the bias. This is also a fantastic idea for your next project on Python!

33. Image Resize Application/ Bulk File Rename

This is a complex undertaking that necessitates a strong understanding of Machine Learning. We'll start by showing the software how to pre-process data, then go on to resizing and renaming images. As the programme learns, it will be able to handle multiple functions at once.

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34. Python File Explorer

This is a critical project since it will put your Python skills to the test. You must create an app that anyone may use to explore their system's files. You can also include functionality such as searching and copying and pasting. Tkinter is an excellent choice for this project because it makes developing GUI apps quick and simple.

You must import the filedialog module from Tkinter to develop the Python File Explorer with Tkinter. This module is intended for opening and saving directories and files.

35. Plagiarism Checker

One of the most popular online businesses is content writing. There is currently no free programme available on the market that can be used to verify plagiarism in manuscripts. You may construct software that scans Google’s first few pages and tests for plagiarism using a natural language processing library and the Google search API.

36. Web Crawler

A web crawler is a computer script that automatically surfs the internet and saves the content of a specific webpage. One of the most useful projects in python for finding current information is a web crawler. For such an application, you'll need to use the multi-thread idea. To create the crawler bot, you can utilise Python's request module or Scrapy. It's a Python-based web crawling framework which is open source that's specifically built for online scraping and data extraction via APIs.

37. Music Player

Everyone enjoys listening to music, and you may make your own music player application. Your application may search for music and browse your file directories in addition to playing music. Creating an interactive interface that regular users can use is one of the innovative Python projects you might encounter.

The app will have a simple interface that will let users to navigate between music, adjust volume, and see the song's, artist's, and album's names. The essentials of Python programming, algorithm construction, database management, and data processing will all be covered in this project.

38. Price Comparison Extension

Working on this Python project might be a lot of fun and useful. You could create a programme that, like Trivago, searches a few large websites for the best price on a product and then displays the best deal. Many firms started with this simple strategy, therefore it's a viable technique. Food, stationery, and other products can be purchased using this extension.

39. Expense Tracker

As the name implies, an expenditure tracker is a piece of software that allows you to monitor your spending and even assess it. You'll develop a simple cost tracker in Python to monitor the user's expenditures.

Expense tracker is a popular Python project that should be able to perform analysis which is statistical so that users may better plan their spending. PySimpleGUI can be used to design the application's interface, and Python modules like Matplotlib and Pandas can also be beneficial.

40. Regex Query Tool

For specialised searches, standard search tools frequently fail to give the appropriate results. In such cases, a Regex Query Tool is required. In simple terms, a regex is a collection of strings that checks the validity of your query when you enter it into this tool.

If the regex is capable of matching patterns in the user's text query, it alerts the user by highlighting all matching patterns. One of the most popular Python projects is a Regex Query Tool, which permits users to instantly on the web, they can verify the regex strings' validity., making the process of search much easier.

The repackage in Python is ideal for running query strings on user-inputted text.

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41. Instagram Photo Downloader

This is an app that downloads all of your Instagram friends' images automatically. This is a useful python project because Instagram is becoming more famous every day. It operates similarly to the preceding command-line utility in that it logs in with your credentials, then looks for and downloads your friend's ID and images. This tool will come in handy when users want to delete pages and save only the images.

42. Quiz Application

This is one of the more intriguing Project ideas for Python. This is a standard quiz application that asks users to answer a set of carefully vetted questions (a questionnaire), then displays the right answer if they are incorrect. The user's ultimate score will be displayed for each test. Account creation will be available in the app, and select users will be able to be designated as Admins.

These administrators have the ability to generate tests for other users. The quizzes and tests will continue to be updated in this manner. This application necessitates the usage of a database to store all of the users' questions, responses, and scores. You can also implement extra features such as test timers.

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Which Project Platform Should You Choose?

You might be unsure about which project platform to use for your Python applications. It's critical to build your software projects on a certain platform so that others (especially those without technical knowledge) can utilise it. Web, desktop, and command-line are the three main platforms on which developers construct python projects.

#1. Web

Web apps are software projects that run on the World Wide Web. Web applications can be accessed on any device with an active internet connection; there is no need to download them individually. As a result, if you want to create a public-facing software product, the Web is the best platform for you.

Web apps are complex undertakings that include both the backend and the frontend. The back-end of your application implies to the business logic that manipulates and saves data, whereas the front-end implies to the user interface — the component that users can see and interact with. While the back-end of your web application should be your primary emphasis, you should also understand the fundamentals of front-end programming using tools like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.

Python, on the other hand, can handle all of your front-end and back-end programming demands. Anvil is a Python-only package that removes the need for HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Apart from Django, Flask, Web2Py, CherryPy, and Pylons, there is a slew of other Python-based web frameworks to choose from.

#2. Desktop GUI

Building a desktop application is an excellent project idea for both intermediate-level Python developers and freshers because desktop apps are frequently utilised by people all around the world. The best aspect of creating desktop GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) is that you don't have to know anything about front-end technologies. To create desktop applications, all you'll need is Python.

Python comes with a number of frameworks that can be used to create desktop apps. PyQt5 is a powerful Python-based GUI framework, while PySimpleGUI is a Python framework that is simple to use.

Once you've created a desktop GUI, you may compile it into executable code for any of the three major operating systems (Windows, Linux, or macOS) that you want to use it on.

#3. Command-Line

The term "command-line apps" refers to programmes and applications that rely solely on the shell and terminal for user interaction. These programmes run inside a console window. As a result, they lack any kind of graphics or visual interface for people to see. As a result, to utilise applications that run on the command line, you must enter specific commands — while users can provide input using characters of ASCII, the app will also output in ASCII. In recent years, this has become one of the most popular Projects in Python.

Command-line applications, by definition, necessitate a certain amount of command-line technical knowledge. Common-line apps are robust and powerful, even if they aren't as user-friendly as desktop or web applications. Click, docopt, Plac, Cliff, and Python Fire are just a few of the helpful command-line frameworks in Python.


We looked over 42 project ideas for python in this article. We have started with some simple projects that you can do in a short amount of time. I recommend going back and learning a few more topics after you've done these basic python projects before moving on to the intermediate challenges. You can progress to more advanced projects once you've earned confidence. If you want to improve your Python skills, you should try these ideas for Python projects. Now it's time to put everything you've learned from our ideas for the python project guide to the test by making your own Python project!

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Last updated: 04 Apr 2023
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Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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